Epworth 2030 - EpworthDream “Making Disciples, Transforming Lives”

Epworth 2030 -


"Making Disciples, Transforming Lives"


Epworth United Methodist Chapel stands on the brink of great possibility as we look to the future.  In Habakkuk 2:2 the prophet tells the people of God to “Write the vision; make it plain, so that the runner may read it.”  In Proverbs 29:18, we are reminded that “Where there is no vision, the people will perish.”  As a people of hope, promise and vision, we seek to discern, at this juncture in the life of Epworth Chapel, what is the will of God for our future. 



In the spring of 2018, a Long-range Planning Team was organized by    Rev. C. Anthony Hunt and Church Council Chair Mr. Jesse McCurdy, which included a cross-section of church leaders.  Over the course of the next year, the Long-range Planning Team reviewed Epworth’s existing strategic plan, Epworth 2020, and engaged in a process of studying the current state of the church and community, to discern who God is calling us to be in the future. The church’s strategic plan was updated by a consortium of parishioners who met on various dates in 2018 and 2019 to share their thoughts, ideas and dreams for the future success of Epworth United Methodist Chapel and our ministries in the community and in the world.


Our hope is that our dreams and God’s mission will be realized through the implementation of Epworth 2025 – EpworthDream:  our church’s strategic plan.

Rev. Dr. C. Anthony Hunt

Our Mission

We believe that God calls us, in this present day, to accomplish great things in the name of Christ.  In light of this, our mission statement is:

We are called to make disciples and make a difference in our community and the world through ministries of excellence, effectiveness and engagement.

Our Vision

Likewise, we believe that God’s vision, God’s preferred future for Epworth Chapel, involves us being a church that makes an even greater impact in the years to come.  In light of this, we affirm the following vision statement:

We are a Christ–centered church that seeks to make disciples and make a difference for the transformation of the world.

Our Values and Beliefs

As a church, our values and beliefs stand at the core of all that we are, all that we do, and all that we seek to become as the people of God.  We affirm the following seven core values:

Our Strengths

1. Location. The church is conveniently located within the Liberty Road corridor, accessible to major arteries and to Interstate 695, and to public transportation.

2. Facility. The church has ample parking and is prominently located on a hill, which makes it very visible to the community. Known for its beautiful sanctuary, Epworth Chapel has become known to many as the “wedding church” because of the number of weddings held for members and non-members. The size of the Fellowship Hall allows the church to rent it for receptions, showers, etc. The Fellowship Hall is complete with a full-size commercial kitchen and pantry. Epworth also provides space for a children’s daycare center, which is located in the lower level of the church. The building has several classrooms which are used for Sunday School classes for various age groups, scouting groups, and other educational activities.

3. Worship Services. The church offers one Sunday worship service at 9:30am.  Epworth is blessed to have a very strong music ministry. The worship service offers persons a chance to enjoy the sounds of both Gospel music and the more traditional Choir sounds at the service. The church continues to seek to integrate youth and young people into the worship service with the institution of regular “young people’s moments” during each worship service and other ways for young people to participate in worship. Epworth is also fortunate to have a strong group of liturgists and lay speakers who add to the life of worship.

4. Membership. Epworth Chapel currently has approximately 500 active members.  We are fortunate to have many members who volunteer their time and talents and treasures to keep the church functioning. Many of the members of Epworth Chapel use their professional knowledge in leadership roles to keep the various Epworth ministries and programs functioning.

5. Finances. The financial strength of the church is due to the generous ongoing support of its members.  Epworth Chapel is proud to have met its obligations to the Baltimore-Washington Conference by paying 100% of its apportionments for over 20 consecutive years.


6. Ministries. Epworth Chapel offers numerous ministries for its members and people in the community. Some of these are represented below.  For over 56 years, the church has been home to Boy Scout Troop #846 and has several other active Girl Scout troops.  The United Methodist Men have been a vital ministry dedicating themselves to the support of the church. The United Methodist Women put faith, hope, and love into action by working in mission for women, children and youth in our community and in the world. The Women’s Day Committee has also served as an important ministry, providing additional financial resources to the church. The Sunday school, Bible study, prayer meeting and mid-week devotions provide opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth.    The Response Team, a source of comfort and support, prepares meals for families during funerals and memorial services.  Our youth serve as acolytes and also sing in young people’s choirs. The Fellowship ministry provides line dance classes and other opportunities for members of the community to feel a sense of inclusiveness.


7. Pastoral Leadership. Much of the strength of the church rests on its strong pastoral leadership, which keeps the members motivated to continue to be a vital congregation. The effectiveness of our pastoral leadership has ensured that the overall ministries of the church function at a level that moves Epworth towards maximizing discipleship to transform our community.

Our Goals and Strategic Directions

Pathways to Our Future

Goal 1

Grow the Worship and the Faith Community

Goal 2

Call, Equip and Support Spiritual Leaders

Goal 3

Effectively Relate to and Engage our Community

Goal 4

Improve and Better Utilize our Facilities

Goal 5

Develop our Financial Base and Secure our Financial Future